Mr. Lalith Kumar
The Story of Amwill unfolds with the story of our founder and inspirational leader Mr. Lalith Kumar Qualified in commerce & a vast experience in the family business of textiles & linens, but fond of pharmaceutical sector.
The pharmaceutical journey begins with a retail chemist store in Tumkur.
With valuable years of experience behind him and a dedication towards hard work Mr. Lalith started a marketing and distribution agency.
The agency handled distribution of skin care medicines for the state of Karnataka. Eventually Amwill was incepted with keen focus and invested attention on dermatology. Mr. Lalith’s perseverance and leadership was to takeamwill from its modest start to its eventual success as a leading name and a shining star in the derma cosmetic industry.
With time and awareness in the market demand for the cosmetic products in the market grew and had more scope for dermo cosmetic products.

Mr. Anand Gandhi
To grow exponentially technical and scientific approach was the need of the hour. Marketing head and product development cascade headed by Mr. Anand Gandhi.
During the inception of Amwill Mr. Anand Gandhi, elder son of Mr. Lalith Kumar A postgraduate in pharmaceutics joined the business and expansion program started.
Developed good communication with dermatologists where he could understand the requirements of the patients from the perceptions of dermatologists.
Being a pharma professional, interacting well with the dermatologists was the key beginning of this journey.
With the inputs of the products ideas given by dermatologists turned dermatology into a passion.

Mr. Tarun Gandhi
To convert ideas into business, mathematics plays a vital role, hence the manufacturing, strategic finance, and logistics cascade was headed by Mr. Tarun Gandhi.
While perusing Bachelor of Commerce he understood the economics of the business being in traditional textile business.Initially inducted in a nationally reputed pharmaceutical carrying and forwarding agency to learn and understand the ethics of pharmaceutical industry.
Further handled pharmacies under dermatologists and gained more experience of patient’s interests.
Formed a complimentary team which balances both marketing and finance.
With collective ideas given by dermatologists and pharmaceutical trade experience Amwill began its journey with its trusted family team.
Overall, the journey of Amwill involves a significant amount of research, development, funding, and regulatory approval, followed by manufacturing, marketing, and sales. All 3 having a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a deep commitment to improving healthcare outcomes for patients.
Inspiration and Idea Generation :
Amwill identifies unmet need or problem in the dermatology industry and develops an idea for a new drug or a cosmetic that can address this need.
Research and Development :
R & D begins to conduct research on the science and technology behind the product and works with a team of developers and medical professionals to develop the product.
Funding and Investment:
Founders capital or other sources to support the research and development of the product.
Regulatory Approval :
Once the product has been developed, regulatory approval from agencies such as the FDA or Drug departments, FSSAI, before the product can be brought to market.
Manufacturing and Distribution:
Establishes the right manufacturing facility and distribution channels for the product and begins to market and sell the product to healthcare providers and patients.
Growth and Expansion:
As the company grows and expands, seeks additional partnerships & associates to continue developing new products or expanding into new markets.
- Amwill deals with all ailment segments in dermatology and cosmetology, having 100+ products in its cadre and expanding, with best and reputed manufacturers across the country manufacturing the same.
- We at Amwill are committed to Innovation, Quality & better health of Human-hope. Majority of our products are having noteworthy credentials for better results & smooth mode of action and efficacy. Our product range helps in the treatment of major chronic and acute conditions.
- We appreciate all the cosmetologists and dermatologists for showing great confidence and accepting 'AMWILL'S innovative quality product portfolio. This has increased our confidence at fourfold level towards ongoing process of R&D to provide the best.'
- We have put together a dedicated and growing team of seasoned & skilled professionals. Amwill's team members have significant marketing experience in a variety of market across.
- With all employees working together as a single team, the Company strives to become a leader in the field of Dermatology. Each one is a specialist rather than a generalist in their given field, giving you instant access for your specific needs. We work as one team to achieve our vision and mission.